Edson Bairinga Banganira Jimmy Coordinator/Initiator project manager +256-773-598855 |
This is a child who was sensitized from the community to be taught on how Aids can be prevented .through that workshop some of the children declared AIDS Victims and we are trying our level best on how we can assist them .we therefore beg the outside world to join us in the assistance of those children.
The photo is of an elephant which destroys the peoples crops and when the people get hungry, they go to hunt them ,these people in the community are killed in the national park living orphans. Some areas affected mostly are: KATOLHU,nyakatonzi ,kinyamaseke,kamuruli,nyamugasani bridge,kabirize,karusandara,kirembe,nyamirangara,lyemebuza and many others, our people are always killed but when animals destroys our crops there is no appeal to the community, world to join us in the str
uggle of looking after those orphans.
So now its our appeal to community surrounding the national park that everyone living outside the world to take concern in working together with wildlife(UWA) as its of good use to us the community and the government
So us as SOCID we are helping the communities affected by this problem with holding workshop or trainings of how they can over come this problem and offer its doing well
Then after poor harvest , SOCID comes in to help this poor orphans by training them handcraft and tailoring then in the long run an orphan will have gained enough skills hence to earn a good living, then from there still SOCID opened up savings and credit ,carpentry and joinery which help orphaned child and widow sensitize there funds.
SOCID keeps on encouraging the entire community to learn how to save the little they earn through the activities they do, such as savings and credit, tailoring, basket making and weaving and support to the vulnerable children and orphans by education, providing neccessary trainings on child protection and capentry, tree planting.
All these activities boost the integrity of the CBO where there is coordination with the locals, stake holders and the community at large. The widows also have committed themselves in the hand activities basing on the relationship between the Park authorities and the Neighbouring communities.
- Community awareness. Communities have understood both positive and negative effects of the national parks. (Protected areas) due to daily sensitization that is being carried out.
- Most communities have realized the importance of protected areas / national parks and the dangers that result from illegal hunting.
- Piggery and goat keeping is realized in the communities that the organization has reached its operations.
- The communities have adopted the idea of savings and credit in trying to curb down the rate of poverty.
- The affected families / orphaned families are linked together thus unity among orphans has been realized.
- The rate of illegal hunting / poaching in protected areas has reduced from 60% to 20%.
- Mobilization has been made the community has given local contribution of 3 plots for construction of education centre for both vulnerable and orphaned children.
- Guardians have always given out / paid school fees to their children through saving schemes of the organization.
- Craft has been successfully made
- Some orphans have been trained in tailoring
- Carpentry workshop has been put in place.
UGANDA. TEL: +256-773-598855,